What is pH?

Jan 20, 2024 | Blog

What is pH

pH is a shorthand for “potential hydrogen”

Our cells are designed to run in optimal health between a pH of 7.35 and 7.45.

Reduction of Blood flow and pH

  • A reduction of blood flow in an organ / part of your body is accompanied by a considerable pH reduction. A reduction in blood flow leads to lowered Oxygen levels which changes cell metabolism from respiration to fermentation.
  • A reduction in blood flow also hampers the drainage of lactic acid which leads to further pH reduction.
  • pH reduction causes changes in the membranes of blood cells and the inner lining of blood vessels and capillaries.
  • These changes lead to considerable reduction in the flexibility of Red Blood Cells (RBCs) and White Blood Cells (WBCs).
  • Rigidity in blood cells leads to slowing down of the blood flow in capillaries (the finest of blood vessels) and to jamming of cells.
  • This leads to further compromising of the microcirculation which translates to pain in that area/organ.
  • A grossly impeded microcirculation can be brought back to normal flow by elimination of Oxygen deficiency and hence raising of pH. This also translates to a reduction / elimination of pain.

You will hear statements like “ All disease occurs when you are acidic.” and others say: “Alkalinise or die”.